Autoimmune diseases occur when an unbalanced and malfunctioning immune system attacks the body’s own tissues. Virtually any area of the body can be attacked, including the; Skin, Joints, Intestines, Organs, and Brain. Current treatments include powerful immune system suppressing drugs whose list of side effects include cancer, and serious infections.
Traditional western medicine has claimed for decades, that they do not know what causes autoimmune diseases. However, a careful analysis of the published, peer reviewed scientific literature reveals a number of important factors that can set the stage for the unbalanced and malfunctioning immune system seen in autoimmune diseases.
The key to health restoration in those with autoimmune diseases is to determine which of these important factors are involved in each person’s individual case, and then address them. These types of strategies have been used in Asia, and Europe for many years. An in-depth analysis of specific autoimmune diseases, and information about breakthrough strategies for health restoration in those with autoimmune diseases are linked below.